
Electro-filter testing

So I ran some tests on the electro-filter. I used regular tap water (after it went through the whole house filter). The center cup is the control, the left and right cups were used as source and destination for pre/post running through the electro-filter. This picture is the last of a series of pictures. I used the same water in all tests. I used DC & AC current at 1 to 16volts (about 20 tests in all). As you can see in the pic, there's no visible change. I used a 1/2" outlet pipe on the filter to ensure the filter was 100% full of water during each test (to complete the circuit between the screens). My sister suggested using water before it goes through the whole house filter system. I'm not sure if it'll make a difference, but I'll do another set of tests to make sure. I'm considering flipping the transformer around to up the voltage and decrease the amperage. This could pose a risk as higher voltage could result in an arc. I have also started a few new revisions, and should have a plan for the next prototype. It'll use a 2" pipe to decrease the water speed, and increase the surface area of the screens.

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